№ 2, 2021

№ 2, 2021

Title page



Marushko Yu. V., Hyshchak T. V., Khomych O.V.
Experienceintheuse of bronchipretsyrupinpre school children withacute bronchitis and atopicback ground

Filippov Y. A., Evtushenko T. V.
Early stomach cancer: diagnostics treatment prevention

Pototska Svitlana
Iridology of thyroid diseases

Shitikov T.
Clinic, pathobiomechanicand iridology criteriesusering of мanual rehabilitation with brain traumatic syndrome

Pivovarchuk V. S., Usenko O. O., Kizhaev S.O.
Experience of application of methods of alternative and complementary medicine in diagnosis and treatment of different treatments in the pridniprovsk region

Harnyk T.P., Dobrovolska N.A., Harnyk K.V., Petrishcheva V.O., Pylypchuk A.B., Shust V.V.
Aromatherapy is the key to good health

Levitsky A.P., Selivanskaya I.A., Lapinskaya A.P.
Prevention of alimentary stomatitis with phytopreparation «Kvertylin»


Anna M. Rudnyk, Serhiy D. Trzhetsynskyi
The study of compounds distilled with water vapor of Populus × berolinensis Dippel. Leafs

Krutov V. V.
Active longevity: ways to achieve in the context of the development of informational-energetic medicine


Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dated November 7, 2016 № 1171 “On Amendments to the Handbook of Qualification Characteristics of Workers’ Professions. Issue 78 Healthcare. Qualification characteristic “Occupational Therapist”


Harnyk T.P., Andriuk L.V., Dobrovolska N.A., Abramov S.V., Shust V.V.
Report of the scientific-practical conference with international participation, involvement of young scientists, students “Topical issues of complementary / alternative medicine in health practices”

Congratulations on the occasion of the anniversary of Marchyshyn S.M.

Information for authors